Stalybridge Town Team
Stalybridge Town team – Next Litter Pick
Our Town Team Clean Up events take place regularly every month. See Below for dates.
Why not join us for the next ‘clean up your town’ event. We meet every fourth Saturday of each month at 9.30 am at Holy Trinity church for tea, coffee and briefing and then go off in self-supporting teams to clean up a designated area of the town centre. Currently, we are focusing on the canal area running through town.
The Canal and River Trust will be there to support us and to give information about forming a group to ‘adopt’ a length of canal.
All equipment, gloves, litter pickers etc. will be provided, just comes in your old clothes and strong shoes. We finish at midday.
To join just email us at STT20@outlook.com
See you there!
Here are some photos of our flower tubs and troughs freshly planted up by Stalybridge Town Team Chair Ray Harrison, his wife Jill and a couple of the lads from Berkeley Construction together with Stalybridge Town Team Treasurer and Secretary Andrew Watkins. Well done folk a great job that will bring a smile to many peoples faces as they travel around and through the town. Should anyone want to join our environmental and green project group and lend a hand please just drop me an email with contact details to David.sweeton@tameside.gov.uk